Welcome to Reframe Your Inbox 👋

I’m a freelance writer who focuses on corporate power and political influence. My writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The Guardian, The American Prospect, The Lever, DeSmog, and other outlets. (All of my work is featured on my website.)

I’m also a former U.S. Senate speechwriter and the author of the 2020 book Reframe the Day: Embracing the Craft of Life, One Day at a Time, from which this newsletter gets its name.

Reframe Your Inbox has evolved over the years. In its current form, it’s where I share “Sunday Conversations,” a semi-regular series of interviews with authors and creators, as well as additional insights and context about stories I’ve written for other publications.

I also sometimes publish essays on topics ranging from the odd parallels between authoritarian leaders and Big Tech platforms to the power of consuming analog content in our digital world to how my thinking changed over the four years since my book was published.

Reading on the internet can be unpleasant and almost paralyzingly distracting. I try, though not always successfully, to keep these newsletters relatively brief, hyperlink free, and devoid of content recommendations. I won’t leave you with a list of articles to read or videos to watch or podcasts to listen to. We’re all already overloaded with content and information.

You can always reach me at adam@adaml.blog or by filling out this form. Thanks for reading and (hopefully) subscribing! 👇

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Interviews and commentary about capitalism, corporate power, and more.


Adam M. Lowenstein is a freelance writer and journalist who covers corporate power, political influence, and much more. He also publishes “Reframe Your Inbox,” a semi-regular newsletter of interviews and commentary.